Dove Selfies Logo.jpg

Joseph Paul – Dove – Selfies on iPhone X - Deleted Selfies

Deleted Selfies.
Women don't like 87% of their selfies. We wanted to encourage women to see the beauty in every photo they take off the back of Apple’s Selfies on iPhone X Campaign.



Back in 2018, Apple’s Selfies on iPhone X campaign was everywhere, showcasing the incredible power of the phone’s front facing camera.

But studies tell us that women don’t like 87% of their selfies. We wanted to show the rejects behind these seemingly perfect selfies, to encourage women to see the beauty in every photo they take, not just the one everybody sees.

So we tried to hijack the ad space next to Apple’s massive billboards and run our own. The perfect place for Dove to comment on self esteem. We didn’t quite manage to run them though.

Agency: Ogilvy
Creatives: Joseph Paul, Ollie Jarrott + Kareem Shuhaibar
Creative Directors: Noel Hamilton